Life begins at fifty modern seniors are looking for new passions learning e.g. at Universities of the Third Age practicing sports traveling and eagerly making new friends. In a word they lead quite satisfying lives. Many people over are still professionally active. Working among the younger generation they also adopt many behaviors from them e.g. related to using the Internet. Seniors are increasingly willing to shop online due to lower prices of some products or convenience e.g. in the case of train or plane tickets. They also use Facebook frequently. It is estimated that in Poland people + constitute as much as of the community gathered on this website.
Of course this image of seniors is a gross generalization because the group of people over is quite wide and there are many generational differences within it. However we can predict that subsequent people crossing the + threshold will be active Hit Post full of passion and will move more and more efficiently in the world of new technologies. Read also: Generation X. Why you can't ignore it in marketing? How to reach the silver generation? First of all let's stop following stereotypes. As we already know the modern senior is a completely different consumer model than before. Previously old age had negative connotations but now many people over perceive it very positively.
Therefore this is the image that should be portrayed in advertisements. Let's not forget that generation silver marketing is not only aimed at people over fifty. Younger people think more and more seriously about aging or take care of dependent seniors. It is also worth considering them in the context of appropriate communication from brands especially since young people are more afraid of aging than the older generation. So let's show them that old age does not have to be a loss but a gain. quote: the most important feature of the silver generation is a change in approach to life Language is also important in reaching seniors. The very concept of for seniors can be stigmatizing so it is worth avoiding it or .