Failure ! Well no, it didnt work, we dont use the word taboo. The reason is always the same, the same as for TousAntiCovid we did not take into account the stages of the adoption process! Here are these steps The Denial stage Your thing is good but its not for me! The questioning stage OK, I want to try but I dont understand it, I cant do it, Ill fire him! The remobilization stage ah when I click there I have my certificate. Yeah, you have to fill everything out every time, annoying! And finally the commitment stage well actually, your thing is pretty good! and there you have it, adopted!
The thing is that these steps dont happen by themselves Especially if its something Albania WhatsApp Number brand new that scares you Like TousAntiCovid. Already, the old people who are still very concerned Well, they have difficulty with phones And then, there have been quite a few questions lately about data security. So, if you just shout heres TousAntiCovid, download the app, it will save the world that cannot be enough you need precise Marketing messages and actions for each of the stages that we have seen. We start with the Denial phase at this stage, potential users refuse to believe that the app will bring them something. but not the advantages.
We must therefore convince them through a vast awareness campaign not just a press conference that no one watches! More advertising wouldnt have hurt and I think using influencers here would have been beneficial. I eplain why in the following video After that, once the users are convinced of the benefit, they say to themselves that they could adopt the thing but there, they doubt Will they succeed in using it correctly and above all get all the benefits from it? benefits? There, no choice for this step, you need training, tutorials Which we clearly havent seen for TousAntiCovid! Yet it is crucial look at this curve.