While you should take its recommendations with a pinch of salt, it doesn t hurt to take note of the suggestions. Image Optimization by Optimole – Images are one of the biggest culprits for slowing down your site load time. optimization plugins, and by far this is my favorite. Edit Author Slug – When you click on a user, the link adds the user s username as the slug. Which can be a huge security issue for most WordPress sites. Edit Author Slug helps you mask the username with a custom slug. Wordfence – This is a free WordPress security plugin.
If you have a good WordPress hosting company like Site round, a free security plugin like photo editing servies WordFence should be sufficient for you. WP Rocket – A good hosting company such as SiteGround paired with WP Rocket for performance and Optimole for image optimization can significantly improve your website speed and performance. Related How to Improve WordPress Speed and Performance with SiteGround and WP Rocket UpDraft Plus.
Most hosting companies offer daily backups for either free or an additional cost it s a free feature on my preferred hosting company — SiteGround . However, I still prefer to have a backup plugin in place just because Also, UpDraft Plus saves a backups file locally, so, if something unexpectedly goes wrong during a plugin update for example , as long as you can access the WordPress dashboard, you can restore to a previous backup with just a click.