But if you're already implementing what you think are SEO best practices, you might want to take a look and see if you're making any of these 19 SEO mistakes in 2023! 1. Focus on quantity instead of quality This is probably the biggest SEO mistake I see in the blogosphere. Google increasingly focuses on quality over quantity. Writing 1 really good, well-organized blog post that actually helps your readers is far better for SEO than writing 10 rushed, poorly written, disorganized, and low-quality posts. In fact, focusing on quality over quantity is really the essence of a good SEO strategy. It is in 2023. These days, the way to a true #1 ranking on Google is simply the best result.
And the best result will never be a weak, sloppy or too short post – no matter ho Bolivia Email List w well you do the other elements of SEO! 2. Don't write what your readers want to read People search on Google for answers to their problems. If you want your posts to rank well in Google, you need to make sure your blog posts solve real problems for your target audience. One of the biggest SEO mistakes I see bloggers make is writing what they want to write, not what their readers want to read. If you really want to perform well in search engine results, you need to start getting inside the minds of your readers – what do they want to read about? What are their problems? Pain points? Headache? Just focusing on solving your readers' problems and writing really great answers to their problems will lead you to really great SEO in 2023.
3. Failure to update/remove poor quality content But it's not just about your new content. Google is increasingly focused on the quality of site content . If you have poor quality, outdated content on your website, it will hold back your SEO efforts – even if your new posts are good! Get in the habit of going through your old content regularly. Focus on your oldest content and posts that get little or no traffic. Ideally, you should try to salvage old content – improve and update it so it's high-quality, up-to-date, and useful to your audience. However, if a blog post can't be saved, there's no point in keeping it, so hit DELETE.