Google search results Consider Dexknows’ other advertising options. DexKnows is part of Dex Media and offers a variety of advertising options. During the initial discussion, a representative will ask you what you hope to achieve and provide you with relevant details about DexMedia advertising costs. It is recommended to research other advertising options outside of Dex Media and then finalize one. You can negotiate advertising costs with a representative. However, there is no compulsion on your part, so you can continue using the free tier as well. If you plan to list on Yellowpages.com,
you still need to verify your listing in DexKnows. After visiting your Dexknows dashboard Laos Phone Number Data and setting up your profile to speak with a representative and complete your package, you will receive an email to verify the email address provided. In the email, you should click on the verification link, which is unique to each DexKnows user. You will be asked to provide your login details and then you will be redirected to the dashboard. The dashboard contains all relevant links and information available in your chosen package. Initially you have to create a configuration file. For free tier subscribers.
The information page has few restrictions on some business details (such as working hours, etc.). Properly Verify Dexknows Listing Details Once you have filled out your company information, you must submit a final review before it will appear on the listing. You will be notified when the listing goes live. To verify the listing, log out completely from the dashboard. Navigate to DexKnows.com and enter your business name and location. Once the list appears, click on it. Now is the right time to double-check all the information. Importance of Google Maps Marketing for Business By 10seo February 21.